Initiatives for a pleasant working environment

Received the Grand Prize at the 2020 Tokyo Women's Empowerment Awards.
We have been selected as a "Tokyo Life-Work Balance Certified Company" for 2021.

Komiya Shoten Co., Ltd. aims to create an environment where all employees can work comfortably, and has implemented various initiatives such as creating a good workplace environment, introducing maternity and childcare leave, and reviewing the working system.
These efforts were recognized and received the above awards.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government presents the "Tokyo Women's Participation Promotion Award" to companies, organizations, and individuals that work to promote women's participation in the workforce, with the aim of realizing a society in which all women can choose diverse lifestyles according to their motivation and abilities. Our company was able to receive the "Grand Award," the highest award in the industrial sector.

The "Tokyo Life-Work Balance Certified Company" is a system run by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government that recognizes small and medium-sized enterprises that are taking outstanding steps to achieve harmony between work and life. Furthermore, out of the 11 companies selected, we received the "Excellent Award" for being a company that is taking outstanding steps.
Details of the initiative
Initiatives to promote women's participation in the workplace
・By promoting female managers, we have created a workplace where people can develop their careers regardless of gender or age. ・In a company that was dominated by men, we promoted product development from a female perspective, and overall sales increased. ・By strengthening our recruitment capabilities, we created female craftsmen, and then worked to pass on our skills by creating training tools.
Initiatives to create a workplace environment where both men and women can continue working
・Established an internal study group to change awareness in the workplace and promote understanding of the importance of work-life balance among employees. ・Revised work regulations to be able to respond to changes in lifestyle, creating role models. ・Introduced a short-time work system, four-day week, and teleworking work regulations to consider family circumstances and pregnant employees, and to alleviate anxiety due to the spread of COVID-19. ・Introduced a multiple-person system to increase paid leave acquisition rates, reduce overtime hours, and improve productivity.

We received the Encouragement Award at the 2023 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Small and Medium Enterprise Skills Human Resource Development Awards Governor's Award
The Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Skilled Human Resource Development Award recognizes small and medium-sized enterprises in Tokyo that have been particularly successful in developing skilled workers and passing on their skills. The goal of the award is to revitalize Tokyo's industry and build a competitive manufacturing and service industry in Tokyo by promoting human resource development and improving the treatment and status of skilled workers in small and medium-sized enterprises. Our company was selected to receive the Encouragement Award in the "Manufacturing" category.Details of the initiative
Initiatives to develop skilled workers and pass on skills
・Create manuals and video teaching materials that quantify and verbalize the handmade umbrella production process of skilled craftsmen. ・Regularly hold "Quality Standards Briefing Sessions" for craftsmen and employees to reaffirm our high quality standards.

Eruboshi Certification

Komiya Shoten meets certain standards based on the "Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace,"
As a company with an excellent record in promoting women's participation in the workforce,
On March 25, 2020, we were certified as an "Elboshi" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
One of the steps taken to receive the Women's Participation Promotion Award was to receive the "Eruboshi" certification.
Eruboshi is a certification system based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, which came into effect on April 1, 2016.
Among the companies that have formulated and submitted the necessary action plans, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare certifies companies that excel in promoting women's participation in the workforce, and this has been attracting attention from many companies in recent years.
The "L-Boshi" certification is divided into three stages and the evaluation items are: 1) recruitment, 2) continued employment, 3) working style including working hours, 4) ratio of managerial positions, and 5) diverse career paths. Of these, our company met three of the criteria of 3) working style including working hours, 4) ratio of managerial positions, and 5) diverse career paths, and thus achieved the second stage of "L-Boshi" certification.
The future of Komiya Shoten
Komiya Shoten will continue to promote the creation of an environment where women can play active roles.
We aim to maximize the capabilities of not only women but also employees with diverse backgrounds.
We aim to be a company where all employees feel motivated and want to continue working.