

晴雨兼用 60cm

This large umbrella is easy to open and close and has first-class light blocking properties, making it suitable for both sunny and rainy days. The reverse side is black-coated, so it also has excellent UV protection to prevent ultraviolet rays.

About Us


    Our Umbrellas

    Since its founding in 1930, Komiya Shoten has been dedicated to creating umbrellas as part of fashion, with the desire that customers will enjoy them for many years. The tradition of umbrella-crafting continues to this day.

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    Japan-Made Umbrellas

    Western-style umbrellas, introduced to Japan during the Late Edo period, have been refined through Japanese craftsmanship and a unique sense of beauty.

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    Our Story

    Almost a century since our founding, we continue to craft umbrellas to this day.
    Here, we share our history and our efforts to adapt our work to the changing times.

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