Today marks the beginning of September, and we are beginning to feel the early autumn air in the mornings and evenings.
For those who started working this April, it has soon been six months.
I wonder what kind of thoughts each of you had when you took up your job, and what kind of experiences you have had.
In fact, there are very few so-called new employees working at an umbrella shop.
Perhaps this is the kind of job that comes into view when you look at yourself again after experiencing "society" and think again about how you want to live your life, what you want to do, and how you choose your career.
This time, I would like to introduce a picture book about the work of an umbrella maker and the person who is said to have popularized umbrellas to the general public.

"Jonas' Umbrella"
Written by Josh Crew and illustrated by Eileen Ryan Ewen Translated by Shigeki Chiba Publisher: Mitsumura Educational Books Publication date: November 25, 2020
Umbrellas are said to have originated in the Ancient Orient. During Greek and Roman times, they became popular as parasols for high-ranking women. From the Middle Ages onwards, they were used as status symbols for the Pope and clergy, and later as a fashion item among the upper class, especially women.
The story is about a gentleman named Jonas Hanway who lived in London around 1750.
Nowadays, umbrellas are an essential part of any British gentleman's possessions.
But up until that point, it had been something that belonged to women.
The rain cover was meant to be used for the brief moment when one got off the carriage, and there was a lot of backlash from carriage drivers... gender discrimination!? A fight against vested interests!? And so on... No matter what era you live in, you have to overcome barriers to create and spread something new, so why not think about the modern day "umbrella"?
I would recommend this book to children and new members of the workforce, as it tells the story of the origins of umbrellas and the story of one entrepreneur.

"The Mysterious Mr. Kasaya"
Written by Ayuko Tanaka Publisher: Kodansha Publication date: May 17, 2022
As the title suggests, this is a picture book set in the world of "Kasaya-san." Generally, we think that "rain = bad weather."
As an umbrella maker, I feel a little uncomfortable.
But rain isn't a bad thing.
The scene that emerges from this sentence, "Oh come on! I hate rain," may make you take a new look at rain and rainy days.
It makes me realize that being an umbrella maker is one such job.
We hope you will use it not only as a tool to protect yourself from the rain, but also as a fashion item to enjoy rainy days.